Spiral Pipes

Spiral pipes for HVAC
Spliced gaskets with minimal flash for spiral piping and ductwork.

Spliced gaskets help reduce cost by cutting down installation time. Here are a few example profiles:

Bulb-style spiral pipe profile
Bulb Seal Gasket
A cross section profile image of the Reed Rubber Red Stripe spiral pipe gasket
Fin Seal Gasket
Red Stripe Gasket

Consult directly with engineers

Custom designed pipe gaskets insure optimal fit and seal, and help reduce installation time.
    • Reverse engineering
    • Tear web
          • Color matching

                All about our material

                TPV is an ideal material for pipe gaskets, and helps reduce waste by eliminating the need for tape.
                      • Extreme temperature range
                      • Does not off-gas
                      • Consistent material blends
                        • Chemical resistance
                        • 100% recyclable

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